11 Upcoming Video Games That Might Be The PS4's Killer App

10. Quantic Dream's New Game

Release Date: Late 2016. The Buzz: Quantic Dream's cinematic, interactive drama games to date, Fahrenheit, Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls, have all boasted superb atmosphere even if the narratives didn't always totally cohere. It'll be fascinating to see what they're cooking up with PS4 technology, and founder David Cage seems confident that it's going to be something very special indeed. Why It Might Be The Killer App: Because the tech demo Quantic Dream showed off in 2013 featured some of the most insanely life-like facial animations ever seen in the world of film or video games, and over three years later, it's going to be likely that this tech has jumped forward considerably. Whatever genre and style their project is, expect it to proudly wear the PS4 brand like a badge. Why It Might Not Be: First and foremost, interactive dramas aren't for everyone, and each of QD's cinematic games so far have struggled with third-act story problems as well as some dodgy voice acting, because Cage largely insists on using French voice actors who can't master American accents.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.