11 Video Game Endings That Totally Trolled Gamers

8. The Dog Ending - Silent Hill 2


The Ending: The Silent Hill series is known for its inclusion of joke endings, and the second game serves up arguably the weirdest one with its "dog" ending. If you've played through the game three times and unlocked the three different endings, or simply unlocked the Rebirth ending, you'll be able to grab the dog key from the dog house. Once you're in the screwed up Silent Hill, the key can be used in the Lakeview Hotel, where you find out that a dog has been sat behind a giant computer console, apparently having been the cause of everything all along, and James talks to it in Japanese for some reason. The game then ends and a creepily upbeat song plays (complete with eerie dog barks) over the credits, while the dog's face just blankly stares at us.

How It Trolled Players: In fairness, it's likely that if you got this ending, you'd probably already heard about it and were curious to check it out, but it's still a pretty good troll on the part of Konami. Most of the other endings are deeply dramatic, dark and emotionally resonant, then there's the UFO ending (which we already expected, given that it also appeared in the first game), and finally this ridiculous climax which, while taken seriously by roughly nobody, is another fine way for this freaky game to completely screw with the heads of its players.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.