11 Video Game Endings That Totally Trolled Gamers

9. The One Where You Kill JFK - Call Of Duty: Black Ops


The Ending: At the end of Black Ops, protagonist Alex Mason confronts General Nikita Dragovich, the man responsible for his brainwashing throughout the course of the game and attempting to get him to assassinate President Kennedy. Mason calls him out on this and Dragovich simply replies,"Tried?". After you drown Dragovich, the game ends with an archive film reel of President Kennedy, closing on the above image, of Alex Mason in the crowd on the day that Kennedy was murdered.

How It Trolled Players: While the Call of Duty franchise is on the whole a brainless and relatively harmless series of war games, Black Ops actually tried to be a little more ambitious and integrate itself heavily into real world affairs, suggesting that the protagonist assassinated JFK. Though the question of how tasteful this is up to gamers to decide for themselves, it certainly gave us an eyebrow-raising finale to one of the trippier entries into the CoD series. Shocking if nothing else, it's the one CoD ending we'll definitely never forget.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.