11 Video Game Endings That Totally Trolled Gamers

6. The Hero Dies, The Bad Guys Win - L.A. Noire

LA Noire Cole Phelps

The Ending: L.A. Noire ends with protagonist Detective Phelps drowning, and though the head of the Suburban Redevelopment Fund scam, Leland Monroe, is brought to justice, most of his collaborators escape prison, and to add insult to injury, corrupt cop Roy Earle speaks disingenuously at Phelps' funeral to that end.

How It Trolled Players: The fact that Phelps dies isn't the problem at all here, but that he had to die in such a bizarre and unexpected, yet still anti-climactic fashion. Sure, he dies a hero's death saving Elsa from the water, but surely if Phelps was going to die, it could have been a little more impactful than this? In addition to that, there's no redemptive, half-way happy ending at all here: most of the bad guys get away with it, and we're left to ponder on the infuriating hypocrisy of Earle's final speech, where he proclaims Phelps' innocence in regard to the rumours leveled against him, all while walking off scot-free himself. Given the dark, brooding tone, a squeaky-clean ending wouldn't have been appropriate anyway, but jeez, we didn't expect Team Bondi to go this soul-destroyingly grim with it. It's an undeniably brave finale, but many players felt short-changed and underwhelmed by it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.