11 Video Game Endings That Totally Trolled Gamers

4. The Mega-Smith - The Matrix: The Path Of Neo

Path of Neo Wachowskis
Shiny Entertainment

The Ending: Mid-way through the climactic Agent Smith vs. Neo superfight from The Matrix Revolutions, the scene fades to black and we're introduced to the above digital representations of the film's directors, Andy (now Lilly) and Larry (now Lana) Wachowski. They explain that the ending of the movie simply wouldn't work for a video game, and instead have offered up a new ending, in which Smith uses metal from The Matrix to build a giant mega-Smith (complete with sunglasses) inside which all the Smiths reside. Neo beats Smith, and then the game cuts to a video clip from Revolutions of Zion celebrating, with Queen's hit tune "We Are the Champions" playing out.

How It Trolled Players: Players went in expecting to recreate that absurd final showdown from Revolutions, and to their credit, the Wachowskis wanted to give us something different. As if this fight isn't even more ridiculous than the one in the film, the game then ends with the pure cheese of Queen, jarring harshly with the style and tone we're used to in the series. It's as if the Wachowskis got to the end of designing the game and just thought, "F*** it, let's have fun some fun with this." It certainly makes an otherwise forgettable game a little more memorable, but was it actually a good surprise or not?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.