11 Video Games That'll Hit You Right In The Childhood

9. Goldeneye 007

The game that many would still say is the be-all and end-all of first-person shooters, Goldeneye hand-crafted its own ball of headshots, perfect maps and a solid campaign before running with it to score a touchdown that's etched in the minds of an entire generation. These days you'd sooner find enough money on the floor for an entire week's food supply than a dedicated split-screen shooter, but back in 1997 we knew nothing different. In a pre-broadband world scores were settled on the same screen, and if that meant occasionally glancing at your opponents half or quarter to ensure victory, then so be it. Or is that previous sentence the most heinous thing you've ever heard? There are many things on this earth that can separate or bind us together, and using your opponent's screen to snatch victory away is one of the early indicators that you may actually be a criminal mastermind.
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Gaming Editor

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