11 Video Games That'll Hit You Right In The Childhood

8. Spider-Man

It's up for debate whether or not modern-day filmic Spidey is a success or a failure, as Sony are definitely throwing enough money at it to try and make you think of the old web-head instead of a certain laser-gun-toting Raccoon. But with that being said, over the years regardless of Web of Shadows coming very close it's the original comic-inspired game that remains the best of the bunch. With an opening voiceover from none other than Mr. Excelsior himself, Stan Lee, and a cast of characters that would make The Avengers jealous, the whole thing was wrapped up with a sense of humour that made everything pop. Story-wise we see Spidey framed as someone else takes off with one of Doc Ock's patented devices, but it's merely a jumping-off point to throw everyone from Mysterio to The Punisher at you in its runtime. Back in 2000 we were in a 3D Grand Theft Auto-less world, much less one of the Spider-Man 2 movie tie-in, so taking the time to pick off bad guys around the city in some of the more open levels was wall-crawling heaven.
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