11 Ways Bioware Should Have Made Mass Effect Andromeda

4. Let Us Save Ryder's Mother

mass effect ellen ryder

Speaking of all these memories, the biggest reveal is that despite the Ryder kids and Alec accompanying her around the deathbed, once Scott and Sarah have left the room, Alec secretly places Ellen into cryosleep, under the assumption that a cure could be created at some point in the future.

Flash-forward to Alec perishing and you uncovering all this information, and you can actually seek out Ellen's pod to discover she is, in fact, still alive, though still without a cure to her Element Zero poisoning.

I mean, it's stated the Krogan have found a way to cure the Genophage over the 634 year trip, but suffering from 'eezo'? Hell no.

In-game, this mission strand just ends with the Ryder twins saying aloud that they'll have to find a way to save her, and then... nothing. It's possible EA are going to revive Ellen as DLC (which if you tie the morality of a dying woman's life to that of additional content, is both monstrous and EXACTLY what they would do), but why was there no option to seek out the cure and save her?

Doing so would make perfect thematic sense, as a lot of Andromeda is about the Ryders worrying whether they can live up to and fit their father's shoes, meaning that as Alec tried and failed to save Ellen before the trip, carrying on where he left off, fulfilling his work and uniting the family in this new timeline could've felt incredible.

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