11 Ways Telltale's Batman Is The Best Since Arkham Asylum

3. An Original Story - Not Just More Joker

Batman telltale

I can't be the only one a tad sick of the Joker, surely? We've had him in all four Arkham games, as Origins and Knight crowbarred him in seemingly for the sake of not having confidence in the writing team to do a story with anyone else.

It might end up that Joker is in Telltale's story too (meaning Troy Baker may have to voice Batman and Joker simultaneously), but for now, we've got a far more interesting take on the source material:

- Spoilers for Episode 1 -

So, until proven innocent, the Waynes appear to be - as Falcone says - "The biggest gangsters in Gotham", after a revealing photo sees Thomas and Martha sitting with him and his men. This throws Bruce's entire motivation into disarray - if his parents were never innocent in the first place, what does this mean in terms of why he became Batman?

Accusing Alfred of always knowing more about this than he's ever said, the episode ends with Bruce tossing the cowl to one side and pointing the finger squarely at the one person he currently trusts his life and secrets to.

Those are some pretty huge stakes for the five episode series to deal with, and as we always take the good nature of the Waynes as gospel, there's a lot of untapped potential to pick apart.

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