11 Ways Telltale's Batman Is The Best Since Arkham Asylum

4. Saying What Needs To Be Said To Alfred

Telltale batman

We know Alfred sees himself as a father figure, and for the most part, Nolan's portrayal of how the two relate to one another was pitch-perfect - aside from in Dark Knight Rises, where Bruce randomly kicks Alfred out, only to abuse him by faking his own death and not even telling the guy.

Regardless, in this story you feel for him - Alfred is almost just going along with the ridiculous notion of donning a bat costume and prowling around Gotham; his more rational side coming in when both he and Bruce are recounting a previous night's events.

You'll come to rely on Alfred during the day and have to reason with him after leaving a trail of crumpled gangsters in your way. The options are there to get very annoyed, but I was also able to say (after taking a pipe to a thug's face) that I "Did what had to be done" - the response I had in mind before the option presented itself.

In that moment, it was the perfect line of dialogue at the perfect time. My Bruce may be slightly unsure of whether his actions are entirely good, but he knows they served a purpose. The requisite calming of Alfred to convince him I wasn't losing sight of the bigger picture was masterfully written, and again for fans, scores very highly.

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