11 Ways Telltale's Batman Is The Best Since Arkham Asylum

6. The Batman/Gordon Dynamic

batman telltale jim gordon

Aside from Arkham Origins and Knight, we barely saw any interaction between Gordon and Bruce. In Telltale's spin-off world, Jim is still a Lieutenant yet to make Commissioner; someone who's struggling to comprehend the true depravity of Gotham, and someone within which you can find an ally, depending on how you interact with him.

Telltale treat this literally as a binary option, too. You're found at a crime scene and have an out - or you can stay and attempt to explain to the younger Gordon that you're not the enemy. For fans of Batman, we've been wanting to flesh out all aspects of the Dark Knight's interaction with the world for decades, and to actually shape how much we reveal Batman's intent and identity to the GCPD, is pure nectar.

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