12 Abusive Video Game Sequels That Completely Missed The Point

2. Dragon Age II

Dragon Age: Origins is one of the greatest RPGs of the last decade, and for a sequel, it should have followed that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Instead, BioWare opted for a more "casual" experience, no doubt to appeal to a wider user-base, but ironically at the expense of alienating those who had made the game a hit in the first place. The problems are myriad: a protagonist it's impossible to care about due to the non-existent character development, the fact that most of the game takes place within the confines of one city, the quick-travel system which replaces actual exploration, and locations which have blatantly been copy-and-pasted from other areas in the game. Most of the customisation options from Origins have been removed or simplified, which just seems like a blindingly obvious no-no, and given BioWare's experience in the genre, they really should have known better. Is it playable? Absolutely, but it's a mere shadow of the previous game and a major step back in every possible way. BioWare have at least promised that the third game, Inquisition, will return the series to its roots.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.