12 Announced Video Games That Are Never Coming Out

10. Shadow Of The Eternals

Shadow of the Eternals
Precursor Games

First Announced: A collective of developers who worked on the original GameCube title (Eternal Darkness) announced the sequel's existence alongside a crowdfunding campaign on 3 May 2013.

Though survival horror masterpiece Eternal Darkness was one of the GameCube's best-reviewed games, it sold fewer than 500,000 units worldwide, and as such was considered a sales flop.

Shadow of the Eternals just might be a cursed game, honestly. Barely a month after the crowdfunding campaign began, the game's co-designer Kenneth McCulloch was arrested and eventually jailed on child porn charges, and by September 2013, it had failed to reach its funding goal... twice, despite the original game's cult fandom.

In late 2014, director Denis Dyack created a new company to resume development on the follow-up, but after that, word went quiet until 2016, when Dydack resurfaced with apparently renewed resolve to get it made.

Nothing substantial has been heard since. This one's never happening, folks.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.