12 Anticipated Video Games Still To Come In 2017

2. Super Mario Odyssey

Super Mario Odyssey

Quite possibly emerging as Super Mario Galaxy 3, Odyssey is the tale of Mario finding a soul-transporting hat named Cappy who lets him beam into literally anything in the game world. This takes place across one of the most varied level sets we've seen in any Nintendo game (which really is saying something), as the Switch is rounding out 2017 with another phenomenal exclusive.

Demos so far have shown Mario becoming everything from tanks to T-Rexes, even using Cappy as a mobile platform to leap atop and reacher greater heights.

The various game worlds will be filled with Moons to collect and various minigames to partake in - the entire project feeling like one of the most feature-complete Mario adventures in years.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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