12 Awesome Video Game Alternate Endings
11. The Bad, Bad, Bad Ending - Heavy Rain
The Actual Ending: The "perfect ending" to David Cage's ambitious interactive drama has protagonist Ethan saving his son Shaun and the pair of them living happily ever after with the lovely Madison. The Origami Killer Scott Shelby is killed by FBI officer Norman Jayden, who is then promoted and overcomes his drug addiction (though still appears to suffer a few side effects), and Lauren then spits on Shelby's grave as the game ends.
The Alternate Ending: The absolute "worst" ending you can possibly achieve has Ethan being framed as the Origami Killer and hanging himself in prison, his son Shaun is never found, Madison dies, Jayden dies, Lauren dies, and yep, Shelby gets away with all of his crimes.
Why It's Awesome: Granted, you need to absolutely suck at the game to achieve this ending by accident, but it's an almost hilariously bleak way to bring things to a close, allowing a rare video game ending that's just depressing scene after depressing scene, concluding with the bad guy winning and all the heroes fallen at his feet. Brilliant.