12 Awesome Video Game Alternate Endings

10. Roman Dies - Grand Theft Auto IV

The Actual Ending: Though GTA IV offered up a "Deal or Revenge" choice, it was clear by the themes of the game that the "real", moral ending was to seek revenge rather than allowing greed to win out. After Niko's cousin Roman gets married to Mallorie, Niko's girlfriend Kate is gunned down in a drive-by shooting by Pegorino, who Niko then hunts down and kills. At the end, it turns out Mallorie is pregnant, and her baby will named Kate in honour of Niko's fallen love.

The Alternate Ending: In the Deal ending, after Roman and Mallorie's wedding, an assassin murders Roman, leading Niko to hunt down Dmitri and murder him. The game ends with Kate staying by Niko's side, Mallorie revealing her pregnancy, and Niko insisting the kid will never want for anything.

Why It's Awesome: Because Roman is so damn annoying, and for all the times he pestered Niko over the course of the game to go bowling, he pretty much deserved to die. That and it's a more crushing blow for any player greedy enough to attempt to take the money and run.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.