12 Best DC Superhero Video Games

3. The Adventures Of Batman And Robin (SNES)

If you're noticing the recurrence of Batman across this list, well, it's a consequence of the incredibly sparse nature of DC's video game output, combined with a predominant focus on the caped crusader himself. This doesn't make them resentful in any aspect, but I must admit it becomes harder to talk highly of them when so many other characters have yet to have as many opportunities. However, The Adventures of Batman and Robin is spectacular, at least the SNES version. A side-scrolling platformer with a superb aesthetic drawing upon the animation style of BTAS, the title featured multiple loose adaptations of various episodes in the series, and was indeed the pinnacle of Batman's days in the genre. My personal favourite sequence would be the title's emulation of the episode, 'Be a Clown', which positioned Joker and Bruce atop a dilapidated rollercoaster careering dangerously over an abandoned theme park. There are other fantastic levels, but that one in particular resonated for its stellar emulation of Bruce Timm's artistry.
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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.