12 Best Indie Games Of 2015 (So Far)

12. Westerado: Double Barrelled

You liked Red Dead Redemption, right? Quite partial to the trappings of the Old West, rootin' tootin' varmints, high-ridin' horseback gunfights and the occasional family member who needs avenging? Great, you're gonna love Westerado then, Ostrich Banditos' (awesome name) top-down pixel-perfect revenge arc that puts you in the shoes of a lone hero whose family have been killed my a mysterious antagonist. The incredible part of the game's design though, is you'll essentially Cluedo your way to tracking him down. See, you start out with one tiny piece of information - say that he has a brimmed hat or something - which shapes the character viewer in the pause menu, as you set about doing side-missions and open-world exploration along the way. The more missions you do, the most info you'll get, and the faster you can narrow down your family's killer. The best thing is your quarry is wandering the world alongside you, and anyone can be accused by whipping your gun out - so if you think you have enough to go on, by all means blast someone's eyelids off and hope for the best. Each playthrough randomises the killer's appearance, the whole thing playing extremely tightly, with unique game elements like having to reload your gun by tapping each bullet into the chamber one by one, making each and every shootout incredibly intense and resulting in a level of charm that far exceeds the otherwise primitive graphics.
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