12 Best Playstation 2 Boss Battles

1. The End - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

The End topping this list may come as no surprise, and quite rightly so. This skirmish presented the gamer with something that had never been done before - something Sniper Wolf came close in the original MGS - but nothing matches the complexity of fighting this old veteran. Never before had a game given the gamer so much choice, there is no set plan for killing this opponent, no pop-up on the screen telling you exactly what to do. It is a case of using your skill and cunning to outwit and kill (or incapacitate) someone who was trying to do the same to you. Sadly skill and cunning aren't always in abundance, so there was also the genius option to have him die of old age by altering your console's internal clock. This legendary experience excited and scared gamers in equal measure - with that moment of realising when the cut-scene ended that you were in the middle of a forest with no clue where your enemy hid being something truly special. Which are your favourite bosses from any of the PS2's games? Let us know in the comments below!
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