The Russian is a classic example of a level-end boss; slightly bigger and far stronger than the normal bad guys. The problem is this big boy is practically invincible to regular attacks, but this is where the magnificence of environmental attacks come into play. Smashing your foe's face through something like a TV screen was a relatively new phenomenon in 2007 and it's nothing short of belly-warming on the entertainment scale. Only a handful of titles used this kind of combat system during the PS2's reign, a missed opportunity if there ever was one. Developers of late have realised how fun throwing a guy into a bin or destroying the street you're standing in actually is, and have started to put a lot more effort into environmental play - games like Sleeping Dogs and Bioshock: Infinite show this off in a magical way. The Punisher was by far the leader when it came to devastating and ingenious ways to use your surroundings to punish the enemy, and the boss fight with the Russian perfectly wraps it all up in one skull-smashing ball of happiness.