12 Best Playstation 2 Boss Battles

11. Salazar - Resident Evil 4

The Salazar boss battle is on this list because it follows a classic strategy and beautifully sums up Capcom's idea of a boss battle: A somewhat weak (and usually annoying) enemy develops some biochemical way to turn themselves into pant-wettingly huge and vomit inducingly-ugly super monster. The tiny Spaniard gargles and slimes his way in to the belly of the beast and hides in his warm - but probably very malodorous - cocoon of safety... until you shoot it in the eye of course, then it€™s business as usual. Luckily the majority of Resident Evil's bosses have very conveniently placed weak points to shoot at, and with Salazar it's no exception. The series' boss battles are nearly always great fun, and they regularly provide a huge sense of achievement when you bring down the Goliath to your potentially weaker David.
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