12 Best Superhero Video Games That Totally Nailed Their Characters
10. Captain America - Captain America: Super Soldier
It was easy to dismiss the tie-in game for Cap's first movie outing as being 'just another third-person brawler', as whilst it certainly is 'Arkham-by-numbers', that still resulted in a solid game.
Cap himself is resigned to being a one-sentence summation of his core ideals, dropping out a cargo plane to take down an opposing Hydra force because... well, he's Captain America, end of. The reason he makes this list comes from just how satisfying the combat could be, once you got the hang of how to chain things together.
You'd enter a room, sling your shield at soldiers in the background, only to watch it ping-pong around them of its own accord. In the meantime you'd be delivering meaty roundhouse kicks and punches to those unfortunate enough to be in your way, somersaulting over bullets and charging a special meter that let you obliterate another soldier's face with a well-placed haymaker.
It may have been wholly derivative, but as something that made you feel like Cap going off on a mission to bust some heads and win one for the team, it was spot on.