12 Best Superhero Video Games That Totally Nailed Their Characters

9. The Punisher - The Punisher

the punisher video game

From the country's golden boy to its darkest secret, Volition's work on The Punisher holds up as one of the most iconic depictions of a superhero (or whatever you want to label Frank) in any game. From the second we saw the hulking character model the team had put together and heard Thomas Jane's croaky drawl coming through, that much was set in stone.

Gameplay-wise you'd receive score boosts for punishing opponents in as many creative ways as possible - mostly dictated by floating skulls on the ground. The Punisher of Garth Ennis' MAX run was no stranger to eviscerating his opponents, so in-game this meant you'd leave limbless bodies strewn across hallways, with others half-dissected by meat grinders or maybe missing an eye, thanks to an industrial drill.

It was truly a grim game, but with Frank's black sense of humour present and correct throughout ("How many did you kill?" - "I don't know, there were a lot of explosions"), it let you play as someone who's completely lost themselves to their inner psychopath, but is more than fine with it.

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