12 Best Superhero Video Games That Totally Nailed Their Characters
7. Incredible Hulk - Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction

All you need to do when it comes to creating the 'best' version of Hulk, is allow for something that lets you smash together as much stuff as possible; that being everything from elbow-dropping tanks to leaping on harrier jets in mid-air, lobbing soldiers straight into the sides of buildings and bounding off around the city in humungous, arching leaps.
Granted, a big piece of the Hulk/Banner coin is the latter's fractured personality as he deals with so much addictive escapism, but the only games to let you play as Bruce Banner are either the 2003 movie tie-in, or the LEGO Marvel releases.
Instead, I'm doubling-down on destruction, and as the name implies, Ultimate Destruction was just one big excuse for Radical Entertainment to let you mangle and tear apart as much of the scenery as possible.