12 Best Video Game Moments Of 2018 (So Far)

10. Plundering Your First Ship - Sea Of Thieves

Sea Of Thieves

Sea of Thieves might have dropped the ball quite considerably when it came to launch content and playability after the first half hour, but man if the first time you perform each pirate-y action isn't fun as hell.

Case in point: Posse'ing up with a handful of other players (preferably friends) and going full Jack Sparrow on a neighbouring vessel. Simply because the game dynamically connects you to other peoples' servers on the fly, that blip on the horizon could just as easily be a formidable opponent within a few seconds.

Loading and launching the cannons, instructing someone to keep circling, firing yourself onto the bow to have some sword fights before coming away all the richer as the enemy ship sinks..

What a rush.

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God of War
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