12 Best Video Game Moments Of 2018 (So Far)
6. The 13th Colossus - Shadow Of The Colossus (Remastered)

Easily one of the most stunning games to release this generation, Bluepoint's remake of Shadow of the Colossus has every bit of its majestic scale and unique fairytale-esque trappings intact.
Though there are many standout visuals, tackling the flying 13th Colossus just looks staggeringly good. A real marvel on a 4K TV with its particle effects and dust clouds kicking up in all directions, making the lump-in-throat leap from the back of your horse onto one of its wings only takes things up a notch.
The music swells, you hang on by your fingertips and the beast itself spins and swirls with a mix of elegance and terror. You'll need to repeat the process a few times to down the creature, but every time you take to the skies is just as incredible as the last.