12 Big-Budget Video Games That Launched Completely Broken

2. NBA 2K15

The newest entry in this list, 2K's latest entry in their EA-rivalling series is actually surprisingly well put-together - if you can actually get into the game that is. A launch day error that as of time of writing is still ongoing (for almost a week now) sees you boot the game up only to be thrown into a demo match that continually loops, even if you attempt to get back to the main menu. The game's diagetic sound (the crowd, announcers, player voices etc.) doesn't even load in, and instead players are left in a nightmarish scenario where the only audible source is the in-game version of Depeche Mode's Personal Jesus.
In addition, the potentially-incredible yet always-buggy 'Game Face' feature - where you scan your face onto your custom baller - is seeing some truly horrifying creations being produced this time round, including the game failing to detect skin colour, mapping teeth to where eyes should be, and contorting other facial features to look as if players are literally melting. For such a brilliant feature that should have received a perfected next-generation update, the fact that the end product is more likely to make you look like the creature from the black lagoon than a NBA superstar is a crippling bug if there ever was one.
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