12 Biggest Problems With All Video Games In 2015

8. Early Access And Kickstarter Are Terrible Ideas

At what point did the idea of paying full retail price (or a discounted amount depending on the developer) for a game still in development become a good thing? Games - mostly on Steam, as even Microsoft and Sony are too sensible to let loose a world of half-broken arcade titles without guaranteeing they'll work - should be the full experience before you start putting your money behind them. It's that simple. Sure you can say that people have the option to just not buy the thing right in front of them, and that's a good point - but at the end of the day we're gamers who are interfacing and looking forward to a particular product, and when said product finally releases in some state, people are going to want to buy it. Even that discounts those people who aren't fully aware of what they're buying into, leading nicely into Kickstarter - as Peter Molyneux's Godus is an absolute trainwreck besides the guy apparently having the best intentions, and now three years later with a quarter million in cash behind him and nay a full product in sight (but another started in development) it just makes you take a step back and think "Just what the hell happened to the structure of this industry?!"
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.