12 Biggest Problems With All Video Games In 2015

7. The Complete Lack Of Polish Is Infuriating

Every game seems to be releasing in various states of alpha or beta these days, rather than anything close to a feature-complete 'retail state'. Even the games that are signed off to be fully priced, pre-ordered and delivered on Xmas morning will prompt you to download a 'day one patch' that'll alleviate any bugs the development team have found between their submission and you trying to play it. The new machines let you play anyway as the patch is applied in the background - but that's one hell of a useless feature when surely you'd rather be playing the game in the state the developers intended? Either the production budgets and software major developers are now using has changed so drastically from past generations so as to scupper any previously in-place deadlines or release schedules, or there's just a monumental lack of testing going on from the top brass. And considering even Tetris didn't launch in a playable state on the PS4 and the latest Assassin's Creed gots to retail with its hero's face melting off - you're right to be believe it's the latter.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.