12 Broken Video Game Bosses We NEED To Call Out

10. The Flower - Drakengard 3

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Access Games

When we say a boss is "broken", it usually means an enemy is unfairly difficult.

However, the antagonist of Drakengard 3 genuinely feels badly programmed. Being a hack-and-slash action adventure game with a smidge of aerial combat, you expect the final encounter with The Flower to be more of the same.

Instead, Drakengard 3's final moments throws the biggest curveball possible by forcing you to take part in a rhythm challenge. Just to be clear - there is zero rhythm mechanics until this encounter, so this change of direction comes out of nowhere. It'd be like if The Legend of Zelda concluded with Link challenging Ganondorf to a Paraapa the Rapper style battle.

Although you have to commend the developers for thinking outside the box, this idea doesn't work. During the confrontation, there are no visual cues to tell you what to do. For the first few moments, you won't even know you're playing a rhythm game!

If you can work out the audio cues, you should be able to defeat The Flower. But instead of feeling proud of your victory, you'll simply sit there, wondering what the hell you just experienced.


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