12 Controversial Video Game Scandals That Rocked The Industry

11. Activision Vs. EA Over Billion Dollar Modern Warfare Case

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare

Word to the wise: Even if you've just helped develop two of the most influential and important games in history, you're not safe from hair-trigger bosses getting annoyed if you start looking for work elsewhere.

Case in point: Frank West and Vincent Zampella, who were unceremoniously sacked after Activision's top brass discovered they were having secretive talks with EA in regards to funding an entirely new studio - one that would also take away key members of Modern Warfare developers, Infinity Ward.

The story goes that they were literally marched off the premises by security following their dismissal, to which they then sued Activision for withholding royalties that West, Zampella and Infinity Ward were owed all along - hence looking for other employment in the first place. This was initially set at $36 million, but boomed up to $2 billion for "owed pay and damages" after all was said and done.

Activision fired back by suing EA for going after their employees in the first place, and it took multiple delayed pre-trial hearings before Activision eventually ceded and settled everything out of court.

Literally, it took the eyes of the world and 7 BILLION dollars on the line for the company to think, "Yeah... we should probably pay our employees what they're owed", otherwise who knows how more out of hand this would have gotten.

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