12 Creepiest Video Game Easter Eggs

5. Sonic CD's Secret Message

Where Mario had toyed with creepiness in the past, his blue blur of a rival never had time to built up any similar foreboding atmosphere. He was busy racing through his levels, collecting all the rings, and occasionally drowning because he mistook one set of bubbles for the bubbles that replenished his oxygen supply - a lethal mistake to make, kids. The more you know, knowing is half the battle and all that. In fact Sonic The Hedgehog hasn't ever really come up against anything even approaching horrifying, unless you count that recent entry in the series where he could transform in a werewolf. That was horrifying in every sense of the word. And if that doesn't haunt your nightmares, you should check out some of the fan fiction they write about him online. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idheGtky7os Or, if you prefer for to just superficially scare you psyche, you could pop in the obscure Sega CD title - called Sonic CD, obviously - and do the old Down, Down, Down, Left, Right cheat to bring up the sound test menu. Then, when you've got there, enter the same sequence once again. Then prefer not to sleep properly for the rest of the week without being haunted by this music. It's not clear what the message in Japanese reads, but it's almost certainly not a patch on the sheer terror brought on by that woozy, disturbing song and accompanying image of a deformed Sonic The Hedgheog with human features shaking an admonishing finger at you. Over and over. Forever. That's almost certainly what hell will be like for certain people born in the nineties.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/