12 Embarrassing Things All Gamers Do But Would Never Admit

11. The Victory Desecration Of The Corpse

Been playing a particularly tough game for absolutely ages and found yourself constantly having your posterior served to you with cheese and biscuits by a ridiculously overpowered enemy that just seems impossible to beat? We've all been there. We've all suffered through these times. We've all flung our controllers. We've all strode onwards until we finally beat them and then...something is unleashed. If you're lucky enough to be playing a game where the corpse of your enemy decides to stick around after the battle, it's time for a little celebration at their expense. Repeated shooting in the head is a favourite, while sticking it with your sword a few times just to make sure its dead is also great fun. If you're playing Dark Souls, you can make use of the bizarre physics of enemy corpses and fling them off buildings before promptly doing a gesture such as 'Joy' to express your sadistic urges after you've finally won against any highly irritating enemy. Unfortunately many games don't give us this option as bodies have a habit to disappear magically into thin air when they're dropped on the ground. This is also a move that's not recommended in online multiplayer, as the first person who sees you pointlessly shooting at a corpse will turn you into a corpse within the next few seconds. So why do we do this? Well, it's not really sadistic. It's just that we're so happy that we've finally overcome evil and being the heroes that we are, we want to make sure that the evil being is dead and won't be coming back. Pro Tip - Dead Island is great for this as you can chop off body parts and stuffs. "FUS RO DA"-force push-ing everything in sight on Skyrim never goes amiss either.
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.