12 Most Epic Character Introductions In Gaming History

10. Wheatley (Portal 2)

Portal 2 opens with Chell again awakening in a strange environment in which she is once again going to be put through a series of ludicrous tests. Adding most of the fun to this sequel, however, is Wheatley, the personality core who players spend much of the game with, voiced with hilarious brilliance by Stephen Merchant. Merchant's outrageous awkwardness and silly banter makes Wheatley a wonderfully entertaining companion, as he tries to help Chell acclimate to her situation, asking her to say "apple", though of course, in line with Chell's apparent brain damage, you're actually prompted to use the jump button. The on-rails opening section, as your downtrodden motel room is moved around a warehouse, is totally enlivened by the fantastic script and Merchant's stream-of-consciousness style of speech. We completely buy his performance, and he adds a little humanity to the sequel, in stark contrast to GLaDOS' more obviously machine-based nature.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.