12 Most Epic Character Introductions In Gaming History

11. Dante (Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening)

Dante is one of the most chilled out, laid-back bada**es in video game history, and he reminds us of this mere seconds into arguably the best game in the series (prior to the reboot), Devil May Cry 3. Dante enters his office, which of course has a half-eaten box of pizza on it, and puts his feet up with such force that it catapults his ringing phone receiver directly into his hand. Dante takes the call and then relaxes with a slice of pizza, as a shadowy man by the name of Arkham turns up, asking about him and his brother, before offering him an "invitation", which turns out to be a horde of demons. Arkham flips the table over, sending Dante flying into the air, after which he lands on his feet, grabs his gun, and even manages to catch the box of pizza. He goes to eat a slice, is violently impaled by a number of demons, and clearly aggravated by the interruption of his meal, goes about dismantling the group in the most hilariously violent, over-the-top fashion possible. His most awesome moments include using a ceiling fan to slice them up, taking a break mid-fight to pound his jukebox, ride a demon around the room like a skateboard, fire a bunch of snooker balls at them, and all while a slice of pizza hangs from his mouth for most of the battle. Dante then finally grabs his jacket to get dressed, and ends the sequence on the awesome quip, "I can already tell, this is gonna be one hell of a party!" It may have made us agonise for the opportunity to just pick up the controller and do all that cool stuff ourselves, but what a set-up, and what a way to remind us of everything we love about both Dante and the DmC series.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.