12 Essential Gaming Sequels That Must Be Announced In 2015

4. Mark Of The Ninja 2

If you've not played Mark of the Ninja and you like a bit of stealth gameplay, you really need to check it out. Not only is it easily one of the best games of the decade so far, but Klei Entertainment's animation studio are just top notch, bringing to life this take on the genre like nothing else. You play as the titular ninja with no name, taking it upon yourself to journey through a number of brilliant locations, complete with puzzles and guard patterns to overcome, as well as a solid detection system that lets dodge guards by darting between a number of hiding places with ease. This was one of a very small amount of games that when the credits rolled you actually wanted DLC, as although the base game is lengthy enough, the mechanics are so fun to play around with, items are so plentiful and varied and just looking at the game in motion is such a delight, a second helping would've gone down just as well.
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