12 Essential Gaming Sequels That Must Be Announced In 2015

3. Half-Life 3

It has to be Half-Life 3, right? Because like, what are Valve doing to have let this much time build up with not a sniff of a new title on the horizon? So far the only big game in 2015 they've even got their name on is Evolve, and that's as a publisher credit. Instead of beating around the bush for another year, dragging people along for the ride (one that it's obvious has to finish, being HL2 ended on a cliffhanger), just get to putting this out, instead of investing time and resources into something like Steam's Curators function. Maybe there's something they're not telling us when it comes to waiting for the next 'big leap' in technology to unveil what they've been working on, but even a hint that HL3 is coming at all would do wonders at restoring Valve as a company that knows what they must do going forward.
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