12 Essential Gaming Sequels That Must Be Announced In 2015

11. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed III

One ballpark-knockout of a game followed by one totally damp squib reset the scales for LucasArts most batpoop-brilliant Star Wars title, but playing as Darth Vader's number one apprentice - the hilariously-named Starkiller - was just an excuse to take that scene where Yoda slowly lifts the X-Wing out the swamp on Dagobah and crank the dial to eleven. Everything from tossing TIE Fighters at Stormtroopers to literally wrenching an entire Star Destroyer from orbit with your mind alone made for a fantastic first game, but that momentum fell flat when the second turned out to be nothing more than a glorified DLC pack. For three it's time for whoever picks up the license to take full advantage of the new systems' processing power, putting a substantial amount of time into making sure it's a worthwhile instalment to the series, and not a $60 framework for flinging Stormtroopers about. With LucasArts disbanded it's over to Disney to put this one out, but as the first game was received so well and became one of the best uses of the Star Wars mythos since Knights of the Old Republic, it's high-time this made a return.
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