12 Essential Gaming Sequels That Must Be Announced In 2015

10. Mafia III

Existing on the periphery of acknowledgement as "That series you heard was pretty good", 2K's Mafia series started with an unremarkable first game, being 'just another GTA clone', only to completely learn their lesson and deliver a blockbuster fedora-topped gangster tale of murder and family relations in part two. A third instalment has all but been confirmed, being that certain retailers like Play-Asia have (perhaps accidentally) started listing it for pre-order, alongside a Take-Two casting call emerging with main character Vito Scaletta's voice actor Rick Pasqualone again reprising the role if true. Sure there are elements of Mafia like the shooting and driving that are tried and tested to the bone, but you don't need every single title to push the boat out and experiment with everything from torture scenes to post-credits optional murders - sometimes sticking to your guns can deliver a fantastic experience regardless.
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