12 Gaming Sequels That Aren't In Development (But Really Should Be)

1. TimeSplitters 4

But the #1 video game sequel that needs to get made is TimeSplitters 4. The franchise began as a modestly entertaining FPS, before transforming into an ambitious and revolutionary multiplayer title that would stand among Goldeneye 64 as one of the best console FPS games ever made. TimeSplitters 3: Future Perfect continued to build on this by introducing brilliantly addictive online elements, and it only seemed like the franchise was headed towards even greater things in the future. But developer Free Radical being bought out by Crytek put a dent in any development that had been done for TS4, with Crytek claiming that they would resume production "once there is a high industry demand for such a game". Um, it's a TimeSplitters game: there's always going to be a high demand for it. Though it will have the FPS King that is Call of Duty to compete with now, TimeSplitters offers such a different experience to COD that the two can freely co-exist. Last year, the nails were firmly hammered into the game's coffin however as series developer Steve Ellis declared that marketing was the primary reason why nobody wanted to bite on a new TS game. In 2012, a group of independent developers were granted permission by Crytek to use the series' various assets to make a TimeSplitters mod called TimeSplitters Rewind, which would incorporate the first three games into a new online package available for free for both PC and PS4. Still, there's no guarantee it'll ever see the light of day (especially due to the countless issues surrounding a PS4 platform release), and more crucially, it's not TimeSplitters 4, which is really what we want. What other gaming sequels are you desperate to see? Shout it out in the comments!
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.