12 Gaming Sequels That Aren't In Development (But Really Should Be)

2. Half-Life 3

The most infuriatingly stalled game in the history of the medium, Half-Life 3 or Half-Life Episode 3, whatever game was meant to follow Half-Life Episode 2, has been languishing around without any confirmation either way for over 6 years, with players left on a nail-biting cliffhanger to make matters worse. Valve's head honcho Gabe Newell continually fields out non-committal responses such as "We don't have anything to say about it", rather than just letting us know for sure if the game is ever going to happen. Though hype to a certain degree is a good thing, when it gets to the point that gamers are getting frustrated at the lack of answers, it's going to likely alienate the audience base, and if Half-Life 3 finally shows up in five years time, people may not care as much than if Valve had simply struck when the iron was hot. For God's sake Valve, just make the freaking game!
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.