12 Greatest Real Time Strategy Video Games Of All Time

8. World In Conflict (2007)

A game made in an age where instant gratification and Sky+/TiVo has made us all impatient, it may come as a surprise that despite its spurning of the fundamental rules which we have all come to love, World in Conflict is still an incredibly rewarding, addictive, compelling RTS game. Rather than base-building and scrambling for resources, the player in World in Conflict is given a pre-determined number of reinforcement points which are used to airdrop a given unit of your choice to the map. Gone are the build-times as you patiently wait for a unit to enter the fray €“ instead, you pick the unit which will best suit your strategic needs as the conflict plays out and said unit is allowed to make an immediate impact on the battle. Set in an alternate vision of 1989 where €“ rather than crumbling €“ the Soviet Union has invaded Western Europe and the west coast of the United States, World in Conflict gives you access to all the infantrymen, tanks and helicopters of the era while also allowing you to unleash hellish attacks of carpet bombing, napalm and nukes on your luckless enemies. The game€™s multiplayer mode (supporting up to 16 players) was an instant hit upon its release, with the online giving each player on the two teams a role (infantry, air, support or armour) and asked them to be responsible for this tactical area within the team. Combine its refreshingly hectic, innovative gameplay with its incredibly attractive visuals and it€™s no wonder that World in Conflict was met with critical acclaim.
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Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.