12 Greatest Real Time Strategy Video Games Of All Time

7. Dune II (1992)

Widely considered to be the first RTS game as we know them today, the seminal Dune II is not only an imperative entry into the canon of strategy games but it is also highly enjoyable. Based on David Lynch€™s film adaptation of Frank Herbert€™s novel, who would have guessed that a movie tie-in would ever pioneer a whole genre of games? Though it now lives in the shadow of the big-hitters of the genre like Warcraft, Age of Empires and Command and Conquer, the unique combination of mouse-controlled military micromanagement, a resource-gathering economic model and a fog-of-war which Dune II first employed has become the standard of the genre. Emperor Frederick IV challenges three Houses (or factions) with the task of delivering him the greatest quantity of the drug melange (or €˜the spice). The winning house will be given the planet Arrakis, the only known world where the drug can be acquired. This is the compelling premise for why you are tasked with commanding an elite troop of futuristic soldiers and vehicles in Dune, plucked straight from the pages of Herbert€™s original work. The other houses aren€™t your only problem though €“ as you send out your harvester to gather the spice, you must be wary of the planet€™s marauding sandworms that can swallow your vehicle in one bite.
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Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.