12 Harsh Truths You Don't Want To Admit About Video Games

10. Achievements Are Pointless

Xbox One Ui One of the most interesting new features introduced on the Xbox 360 was the notion of achievements, a competitive ranking system which issued challenges to be completed by players in exchange for points, which they could then show off and compare to their friends. Sony followed suit soon thereafter with their trophy system, and ever since, gaming hasn't been the same. For starters, the introduction of achievements has ruined the age-old fun of using cheat codes, and secondly, these challenges have raised an entire generation of gamers addicted to that jingle that rings out every time you collect another trophy. We all know someone who hoovers up trophies for no reason other than to have them, and you might even know someone who has bought games on the cheap just because they heard they've got some easy trophies to blast through. Each to their own, but what's the point? It's just an ultimately worthless number sitting next to your username, and why bother playing through terrible games just to make it bigger? If Sony gave out discounts for players who got Platinum trophies or Microsoft allowed players to turn their achievement points into currency to be spent on games, then sure, it'd be a great system. As it stands, it's just an arbitrary (yet incredibly effective way) to keep gamers glued to their consoles like lab rats.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.