12 HUGE Video Games Still To Come In 2020

We've got SO much still to come.

watch dogs legion

Obviously at this stage we all know what kind of year 2020 has been, but thankfully of all the mediums and industries to follow, gaming is a welcome reprieve from All The Terrible Stuff.

With some of the best games of the generation and veteran teams of creatives more comfortable with the PS4, Xbox One and Switch than ever right now, our beloved industry has remained pretty damn confident for the past six months.

At the halfway mark though, what's next?

It's tempting to take one look at the release calendar and assume the only big games left are Cyberpunk 2077 and whatever drops alongside the next generation consoles, but dig deeper and you'll find a TON more.

Honourable Mention:

Ghost Of Tsushima

Ghost of Tsushima Duels
Sony Interactive Entertainment

Arriving July 17th, there's a good chance the game is available by the time you read this. Our review is available here and below in video form, and thankfully it's another big win for PlayStation.

The first new IP from Sucker Punch in over a decade, Ghost of Tsushima's focus on Akira Kurosawa-style slow-burn samurai drama has quietly been one of the most confident titles of the year.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.