12 Hugely Delayed Video Games (That Ended Up Sucking)

11. Too Human

The Delay: If you thought Perfect Dark Zero took ages to get to our screens, Too Human does one better. The action RPG was announced in 1999 as a four-disc PlayStation title, but when developers Silicon Knights ended up teaming with Nintendo, it was shifted to the GameCube. Word went quiet on the game's development for almost 5 years, when the Holy Trinity was completed, as Silicon Knights then teamed with Microsoft, and the game was announced for the Xbox 360, with a late 2006 release date planned. Lengthy periods in 2006 and 2007 went by without an official release date announcement, despite constant murmurs. Finally, after close to a decade in development, Too Human hit shelves on August 19th, 2008, to the indifference of gamers everywhere. The Result: Despite reinterpreting Norse mythology in a cleverly subversive way, Too Human's story is a surprisingly dull slog, though this might be forgivable if not for one major gameplay flaw: assigning melee combat to the right analog stick. This of course denies the player the ability to manipulate the camera themselves, resulting in countless clumsy fight scenes where it's difficult to figure out where the enemies even are. Furthermore, it sometimes feels like the game is trying to actively annoy you: the game's death animation lasts about 25 seconds, and becomes infuriating during some of the game's more challenging segments. After so long in development, to deliver such a sloppy final product is disgraceful.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.