12 Mind-Blowing Things You Didn't Know About The Bioshock Series

3. Bioshock 1's Atlas & Fontaine Were Named After Ayn Rand Books

bioshock atlas frank fontaine

If there's one thing the original Bioshock screams, it's "academia". Every inch of the game, from the architectural clout of Rapture to the science-gone-wild idea of the Plasmids, feels steeped in mountains of literature and research.

Even the names of villains, Atlas and Frank Fontaine fall under this bracket too, as "Atlas Shrugged" and "The Fountainhead" are two of philosopher/writer Ayn Rand's most famous books.

Tapping into such potent works has led to many theses being put together analysing Irrational's use of Rand's work to frame the intentions of Atlas and Fontaine respectively. Delving into the introspective and mind-bending side of Bioshock gives the game another level of interaction entirely, but just know that you're in good hands with such a outright intelligent developer - providing you can keep up.

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