12 Mind-Blowing Things You Didn't Know About The Bioshock Series

4. Splicer Faces Were Based On 1940s Mugshots From San Francisco

bioshock splicers

We always new they looked a bit strange.

Apparently, in the pursuit of creating a game world that was drenched in tension and criminal undertones, Irrational came across a book of 1940s mugshots on eBay.

Seeing the variety of people all caught in time under the circumstances gave them the inspiration necessary to frame Splicers as regular citizens warped into this state of illegality.

It worked out perfectly in the end, and although the Splicers aren't as big a part of Bioshock's overall iconography as the Big Daddies, I bet you still remember your first handful of fights against them... and those noises they made.

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