12 Mind-Blowing Things You Didn't Know About The Bioshock Series

1. The Original Design Was Centred Around Plantlife & Espionage

Bioshock original

Far from the underwater utopia-gone-sour world of Rapture, one of the original versions of the game put you on land. You were to play the character of 'Carlos Cuello' as he infiltrated a cult-like agency on an island, all with the hopes of retrieving the daughter of a rich magnate who'd slipped in with the wrong crowd. You'd also struggle with all sorts of bio-mechanical, plantlike implants as you fought the 'Man O' Wars' - the original Big Daddies.

You were essentially 'deprogramming' the daughter character's indoctrination procedure over the course of the game, assumedly through both dialogue and in-game mechanics, whilst also taking part in plenty of weapon crafting, environmental attacks and upgrades that would flesh out Cuello's roster of moves.

In the end, Bioshock's final version only had the most threadbare of ties to this initial vision, but as Infinite opened up the possibilities for sequels in the future, perhaps another team will pick this idea up and run with it.


Are there any other cool Bioshock facts we missed? Let us know in the comments!

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