12 Mind-Blowing Things You Didn't Know About The Bioshock Series

10. There's A 'Blink-And-You'll-Miss-It' Reference To Star Wars In Bioshock: Infinite

bioshock infinite

In the opening act of Bioshock: Infinite, you'll eventually come across Elizabeth and free her, to which she then starts using a number of 'tears' in space and time to get a handle on her powers. One will transport the two of you to Paris (where you'll return in the Buried at Sea DLC), but this first time, you may be distracted by the fact Elizabeth almost gets taken out by a wayward truck.

However, although it's more a small easter egg, look to the right of the street and you'll see a cinema with 'La Revanche Du Jedi' playing.

Translated to 'The Revenge of the Jedi', it was the original title for Star Wars Episode VI, which went on to be renamed, 'Return of the Jedi'.

See? Even Irrational's easter eggs are brilliantly nerdy.

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